Thursday, November 6, 2008

HSBC Jumble Sale Poster

During my trimester break...
I did some part time job for the HSBC Cyberjaya...
They asked me to do the poster for their jumble sale...
So, here's are the result...
I hope they will accept my idea since I'm afraid that my design only suitable for teenagers and not for the adults...
So, I need to wait the result from the director meeting whether they accept my work or not...

-with content-

-without content-

Drop by your comments if any...


> aDi @ pOk D < said...

ni den nk drop comment dlm peti surat mner ni??? peti k.l ke? peti pantai timur?

-walalalala wawaweeii~ dapat fulus blnja mkn ye =) laparlh dude...

-nice work beb!

Fyza said...

thx dude!
aku menghargainyeee!

jom hb2!