Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Complete HSBC Jumble Sale Poster (after edit)

I make the alterations for the poster since they asked for some adjustment for some part of it...
but they said they love the design and the layout that I made it...
thanx Allah coz I thought the never like my work...
So, here are my final output for the Jumble Sale Poster!
Mission accomplish!

-Jumble Sales Poster for HSBC-

Thursday, November 6, 2008

HSBC Jumble Sale Poster

During my trimester break...
I did some part time job for the HSBC Cyberjaya...
They asked me to do the poster for their jumble sale...
So, here's are the result...
I hope they will accept my idea since I'm afraid that my design only suitable for teenagers and not for the adults...
So, I need to wait the result from the director meeting whether they accept my work or not...

-with content-

-without content-

Drop by your comments if any...

My Unique Mosque

My other part time job was creating the architecture too...
My client choosed the mosque as the best and unique architecture...
Creating the mosque really challenging since I'm not in the expert stage...
So, I need some time to model it, mapping and create the correct lighting...
I choose sunset as the background theme since sunset usually sets the unique moment for it...

Total Time to Complete : 5 Days

-Whole Mosque-

-Top View-


-The Lake and Bridge-


-The Bridge-

-The Bridge-

-The Waterfront-

-Seats and lamps-

-Side View-


-The Mosque-

Thats all my art work for the Mosque Architecture for my client....
Do drop your comment plz...
Thnx! :)

My Central Market

This are my art work for my part time job....
The architecture that my client choosed was the Central Market, Kuala Lumpur...
It's kindda difficult to do it...
But finally I managed to complete it since I'm not too expert with so called 3D's...
So, I'm using 3D Max software to make this building....
I rendered in different angles to make it looks in variety positions....

Total time to complete : 3 Days

-Central Market-

-Central Market (Side And Upper Angle)-

-Central Market Different Angle-

-The Benches-

-The Waterfront-

-Central Market (From Some Other View)-

-Central Market (Bottom View)-

-Main Central Market ( Front View)-

-Main Central Market (Top View)-

I hope my client will satisfy my art work for him...
Do give some responses coz I need to improvise my work!
Thx! :)

My Froggy On Poster





My poster represents the environment of the frogs which get extinct due to global warming. 170 frog’s species become extinct for the pass 10 years. Thus, by protecting them from that harm, we need to make people realize on how important this creature would be for the time being and for future. For example, insects will keep increasing and harmed the food supplies if no more frogs left out in this world. This is because frogs are the main animal that contributes to the food chain. Due to that, I make the reader visualize the sympathy mood for this frog and make them to love and protect this innocent creature.


Since it is positive way of persuading readers to care about the frogs, I would like to emphasis more love mood in this environment. I made this poster look more into cartoons and not realism because I would like to generate the love mood from the young people also to love this innocent creature. Thus, by providing the appropriate colors, taglines and the suitable images will affect to the reader first impression and hope my target will be achieved.

1) Slogan/Tagline



This means that we need to help that innocent frog which would be extinct day by day.

2) Image Representation

I choose to make a frog sitting on top of the stone, trying to get some loves and extra care from people. The frog itself is actually being placed in one piece of pictures which is nailed to the wall. That shows the important of the frog would be in this life.

3) Colour Representation

Yellow : represent overheating that caused by the global warming

Blue : water that frog need to live on

Red : to show love to them

Green : their habitat and their skin colour

Brown : represent soil which is the world (earth)

Black & White : peace and harmony for their life

My Realism Froggy




The Tree Frog is typically found in trees or other high-growing vegetation. They do not normally descend to the ground, except for mating. Tree frogs are usually small, as their weight has to be carried by the branches and twigs of their habitat. The back color of tree frogs is typically a vivid green, giving an excellent camouflage depending on the particular kind of vegetation they inhabit and what predators they have to hide away from. Many tree frogs can change their color to a remarkable extent. Thus when resting on bark, they are usually brownish grey.


I choose to make this tree frog because it represents frogs that actually become extinct due to global warming. So, my idea is to make other people realize that the world will lose some species that really unique in this world. Instead, I become inspire in choosing the tree frog as my reference because it looks cute and got the attraction for other people to appreciate the beauty of this so called ‘The Tree Frog’.

My Froggy Symbol


Frog Extinctions Linked To GLOBAL WARMING!

Frog is one of the amphibians’ species that become extinct due to the Global Warming. The frog died due to their sensitivity skin to heat and also water lost on their skin. Many ‘Harlequin Frog Species’ (Atelopus) across Central and South America have disappeared due to deadly infectious diseases spurred by changing water and air temperatures. So, frogs really need human help to safe and protect them from harm.

Short Cut Understanding
FROGS keep on instinct day by day due to Global Warming!
So, we need to protect them from harm!
NO frogs, NO Rain! :)


Shape & Colour Meaning

A Drop of Water
Means: Frog needs water to avoid water loss on its skin
Colour: Blue (stands for colour of the water)

Means: To show their specific place to live like the bushes
Colour: Green (stands for colour of the leaves or bush)

Frog Skin
Means: The skin is sensitive to the changes of the temperature & water quality
Colour: Green (stands for colour of the frog)

A Hemisphere Glass
Means: The place where all frogs live (Earth – in forest)
Colour: Blue (stands for colour of the earth)

The Eyes
Means: The frogs need attention from people to help them
Colour: Black & White (stands for peace & harmony)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Student's Dorm the Making

Topic : Assignment 2 (The Making)

Theme : Student’s Dorm

Genre : Girlish


Design Description

This is a student’s dorm which I prefer to make for my own dorm room at hostel of Multimedia University, Cyberjaya. In this room, two persons stay there. I make full complete facilities such as wardrobe, study table, bed and etc. Moreover, I created the best and the most comfortable facilities in order to create the best study environment in this room. As for girls, I make this room to look more girlish style. So, girlish style suites them because girls love colourful environment to make them feel cheerful, fresher and more concentrate to their study. Thus, I also include an air-con inside to make them feel more comfortable. Inside this room, they need brighter lights for studies. Furthermore, I make this room as simple as I can because they need space to make them more focus to their studies.

Design Tools

How to Start ?

To start designing for this modeling, I choose from ‘Create’ function from the menu bar. Then, I can either choose using ‘Standard Primitives’, ‘Compound Primitives’, ‘Shapes’ or etc.. For example, if I want to create a table, the basic shape that I need to use is the box. After creating the box, I can edit my table by clicking the ‘Modify’ functions.

How to Modify?

To create a vase, wire and also rope, I used the ‘Loft’ function to make the object look smooth and curvy. To get that, I create it by using ‘Spline’ and modify it by using ‘scale’ function in the ‘deformation’ function. So, from the ‘Loft’ function, I can create as many curve that I want.

How to Map?

To do the mapping for the object, I used the ‘Material Editor’ in the menu bar. I choose to used ‘Blinn’ and ‘Multi-Layer’ for most of my material. For example for this window, I choose a texture that similar to the real window and I applied it into my object. I also can change the specula level and the glossiness to make my object looks real. To make it transparent, I used the opacity function. For example, if I’m creating a glass, I chose the refraction from 1.5 to 1.9. That will make my object looks real.

How to do lighting?

To create lighting, I can get it from the ‘Create’ function in menu bar and choose any type of lighting that is suitable for my scene. I choose the ‘Target Spotlight’ and also ‘The Omni light’ for my scene. The lighting also can be adjustable to make the scene looks real.

How to Render?

Rendering is the last part to do in order to see the outcome of the scenery. To do so, just click on ‘Rendering’ function at the main bar or I can simply press ‘F9’ to do shortcut for the rendering. Sometime, the rendering will take to much time complete. This is because of the lighting and the material that we used in this project. So, my project took 5 to 8 minutes to complete the render for one whole scene. When the rendering is complete, I can choose to save it in ‘JPEG’ format or else.

Final Outcome

-Whole Room-

-Vases, Mirror, Books and book shelve-

-bed & windows-

-bed and study station-

-work station-

-my Computer-